This is an update blog for the forthcoming Bug-Juice Productions film project Killer Meatloaf (working title).

Monday, January 31, 2005

Well everyone, I just thought I'd throw this out there:

I'm currently working on a flash animation trailer for our film.

I don't know how long it will take, considering I really don't know what I'm doing, but I've been reading a lot about it and watching tutorials. I'm sure that it won't be something we use officiallly but I figure it would be fun, considering I've been wanting to work with flash for quite a while.

Right now the only thing I have is a basic opening, showing the company names.

Please don't jump on me yet, asking me to put things in it (...ahem, Nix...). I'm still trying to learn how to do a simple fade, muchless an action scene. However, I hope this proves as a cool learning experience for myself and that the animation is completed and ends up on the dvd release.
Of course it will be on the DVD release.
Oooo....Make sure you put in a spider monster and exploding stars and a space ship. Oh, oh! And can you throw in a scrolling, tilting, swooshing effect on the words. Yeah, and maybe some CGI type blood splashing out at the audience.

One more thing....

Nix says: You fascist.
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