This is an update blog for the forthcoming Bug-Juice Productions film project Killer Meatloaf (working title).

Sunday, February 06, 2005

For years, I've been looking for people to help me bring my visions to whatever screen. And it's odd that I've found most of them here in the 'Lou.

I don't know what I'd do without Spawn. He has given extra production value by providing music.

I only hope I can do justice to all of this talent by shooting it properly.

After watching Terror Firmer and Toxic Avenger IV, I'm beginning to think that if we apply enough effort, money and creativity, that the Loaf project could possibly be a Troma pickup. All the elements are there, except for the lesbianism and bouncing breasts.

We would make no money, but people could actually see our film. And that's the real reason for making it, anyway.

Well, I'm tired. Been up since 8 a.m. Saturday. Must rest.

Nix says: Let's make some art!
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