This is an update blog for the forthcoming Bug-Juice Productions film project Killer Meatloaf (working title).

Thursday, February 07, 2008

It's been a year since this blog was what's the deal? Is this project dead or not?

Here's the short-stack update for you: due to an unfortunate string of misundertsandings, miscommunications, and differences of opinion, Nix and Wicked Wildflower have left the project. Nix did a lot of hard work on this thing during his time, and it just sucks that things couldn't turn out differently; he's a talented artist with great ideas. The good news is that Nix may still be willing to be part of things, so...stay tuned.

Since this blog was updated, Bug-Juice started doing little short skits again, under Bug-Juice Productions, this time fueled by the power to post them online and actually edit on a computer. After a string of pretty good little sketches, we tried our hand at a few film competitions, and actually won an award in the October 2007 National Film Challenge sponsored by KDHX. You can view the film here.

Scott and I [Quill] are currently penning a script for the Killer Meatloaf, and as soon as we can get it all roughly done, this project will advance onto the next stage. Money is being stockpiled, effects and options are being discussed and developed on an ongoing basis within BJP, and sometime this year [2008], the first test sequences for a Meatloaf teaser will be filmed and revealed to the world.

Scott wrote up a rough draft of the opening sequence - a part one, if you will. Then, after continued discussion with him over what is to transpire and some idea developments, the script was handed off to me, and I wrote the second sequence; part two. Scott's part dealt with introducing Dave and the loaf, and my part dealt with introducing the rest of the "main" cast, and further developing the loaf and Dave, right up until just after their initial confrontation. Now, the third part is back in Scott's hands...

So yes, this project is still alive. It takes time to do a feature, much less do it justice, so stay tuned...

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