This is an update blog for the forthcoming Bug-Juice Productions film project Killer Meatloaf (working title).

Thursday, February 07, 2008

It's been a year since this blog was what's the deal? Is this project dead or not?

Here's the short-stack update for you: due to an unfortunate string of misundertsandings, miscommunications, and differences of opinion, Nix and Wicked Wildflower have left the project. Nix did a lot of hard work on this thing during his time, and it just sucks that things couldn't turn out differently; he's a talented artist with great ideas. The good news is that Nix may still be willing to be part of things, so...stay tuned.

Since this blog was updated, Bug-Juice started doing little short skits again, under Bug-Juice Productions, this time fueled by the power to post them online and actually edit on a computer. After a string of pretty good little sketches, we tried our hand at a few film competitions, and actually won an award in the October 2007 National Film Challenge sponsored by KDHX. You can view the film here.

Scott and I [Quill] are currently penning a script for the Killer Meatloaf, and as soon as we can get it all roughly done, this project will advance onto the next stage. Money is being stockpiled, effects and options are being discussed and developed on an ongoing basis within BJP, and sometime this year [2008], the first test sequences for a Meatloaf teaser will be filmed and revealed to the world.

Scott wrote up a rough draft of the opening sequence - a part one, if you will. Then, after continued discussion with him over what is to transpire and some idea developments, the script was handed off to me, and I wrote the second sequence; part two. Scott's part dealt with introducing Dave and the loaf, and my part dealt with introducing the rest of the "main" cast, and further developing the loaf and Dave, right up until just after their initial confrontation. Now, the third part is back in Scott's hands...

So yes, this project is still alive. It takes time to do a feature, much less do it justice, so stay tuned...

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

It was fun at the beginning.
It actually could still happen.
Who knows?

Friday, December 22, 2006

Holy shit, this movie is dead.

In case you couldn't tell by the lack of posting. It's been almost an entire year and nothing has happened, due mainly to disagreements between the writer and the man who came up with the idea.

So, I'm here to say: "Do not expect this film to see the light of day. What started as a fun idea (which I was excited about) has become something else entirely. Look for 'Night of the Living Lasagna' sometime next fall... or something."

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Things happened over the past month or so that took away from the project. We're currently tweaking the storyline so it actually has somewhat of a viable plot. Pre-production is a bitch; before any kind of filming or S.E. work can start, we gotta have all the ducks in a row in the way of:

1) The script
2) People (both cast and crew)
3) The money for everything from film to effects

Number 1 is still in the works. Number 2 isn't a problem at the moment. Number 3 is something we're still working on and pondering over. Number 3 is a necessity, unfortunately - we could go out and film the thing without any cash to put towards it, but it'd look like utter shit, and we actually wanna make this thing look as decent as possible.

With Nix's work schedule, it's difficult to coordinate this stuff, at least with getting the plot hashed out.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

After the shake up with Quill and such, the Loaf script is about to go through major changes.

We had no fucking story. Only a bunch of scenes loosely strung together. I always knew so, but thought "WTF".

We're going to try to make this more than just a "Let's just fuck around" flick and make it more of something others will have fun viewing.

Patience is definitely a virtue.

Nix says: Run, mother-fucker, run!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Loaf is safe.

The disc has been recovered. Somehow.

Anyway, it's looking like we won't have to suffer yet another rewrite.

Thank the heavens.

Monday, June 27, 2005

I have awful news. Nothing life-threatening, unless you call wanting to bash your own head against a wall repeatedly until your brains ooze out of your ears and your eyes pop out of your head life-threatening.

First, a little background. I upgraded my 'top. Got some more memory and moved up from Win98 to Win2K. In order to do this, we wiped the drive. Now, I have been doing a lot of work on Loaf on Word. (I bet you see where I'm going with this.). And I always back up what's on the drive with a floppy. I picked up the 'top today and my USB is working and everything's great. I popped in my disc to load the Loaf work onto the drive and THE GODDAMN MOTHER-FUCKING DISC WAS CORRUPTED AND ALL THAT FUCKING WORK I DID IS LOST UP SATAN'S ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!

Ahem. Sorry. But I was up to like 10 or 12 pages.

So, I shall mourn the loss of all of those new lines and ideas and camera shots for today. Then I'll start again tomorrow. Fuck me. This fucking sucks. I almost cried. I still feel like crying. That was A LOT of work. And it was good stuff.

Nix says: Grrrrrrr.......

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